Drawing 1 & 2 Curriculum

Drawing 1

Value scales - Take the time to create value scales with subtle value changes as you move from one value to the next.  These scales will teach you about your stroke, about the behavior of different leads and how to transition from one value to the next.

Shapes - Sphere, Cone, Cylinder  - Forms created with light and changing values.  Make these universal shapes with beautiful value changes. Take your time, never press down with your pencil.  Keep you lead sharp at all times.

Basket Weave - Creating overlapping forms with light and shadow.  Look at the way light and shadow play on the weave of the paper.  Some shadows will be small and dark, some shadows will be mid tone and some shadows will be very soft.  Measure out the weaves outer boundaries and then draw the tabs carefully.  Keep lines very light, the final form should be created by light and shadow alone....not by line.  Go slowly =)

Pears - Apply the lessons you have completed on your botanical subject.  Learn how to measure the proportion of the pear.  Draw your pear in several different postures.  When you find the position you like begin your drawing. Use all the knowledge of how the values of light and shadow change as they fall over your subject.

Leaves - Measure your leaf and do a front and a back drawing of your leaf. Observe all the details carefully.  The overall shape, the edges of the leaf, the veining, how the pediole and mid vein connect.  You may want to do studies of individual details you notice before you begin the leaf drawing as a whole..

Rules that rarely change:  Keep your pencil sharp, do not press down to create darker values,  Refer to your subject frequently.  Pencil work should be done with a light hand, keep strokes soft and build dark values slowly.  Understand your light source, always keep your highlighted areas clear in  your minds eye.  Most important rule of all enjoy yourself and take your time =)

Drawing ll

Drawing leaves in natural posture - multiple sketches of one leaf in many positions.  Each sketch should be no more than 3 minutes and no erasing allowed.  After filling a page with sketches pick the one  you enjoy the most and create a finished drawing of the leaf.  Finished drawing may be assisted by tissue studies, measurements and Plexiglas picture plain.

Atmospheric perspective - taking two images placing one in crossing over the front of the other.  Draw the first image with the forward image being darker and the image to the back being lighter.  Draw the second image in the reverse.    The forward image should have more detail that the image to the back in both cases.

Flower - Drawing a simple flower - again draw multiple sketches of flower in different positions....no erasing and each sketch should be brief.  After filling the page with sketches choose on that you enjoy and begin a finished drawing (follow the same process as you did in leaves).   Botany of the flower will be discusses and explored.  (three tissues to describe, form, detail, and shading.)

Artichoke - A study in form and overlapping shapes. Do three tissues to begin; first tissue will be overall form of the artichoke.  Second tissue will describe the individual scales or bracts.   Third tissue will describe shading of overlaps and highlights.  When the tissue drawing is finished transfer your contour drawing and begin your artichoke.

Other subjects to be considered:  Pine cone, Pineapple, Gourds and Pumpkins.

Branches and roots.  - Learn how to create the beautiful supporting characters of nature.  There are lovely textures, shadows and highlights to be explored in the branches and roots that are part of so many drawings.

Fibonacci patterns in nature will be discussed as well as plant botany, in many of these lessons.

Again rules to always follow: Know your subject, understand your light source, go slowly with your pencil and enjoy yourself =)

Please go to my link at the top of the page “Lesson Images” for examples of lessons in the curriculum you can use for reference.